Let's Talk About My Naps + Searching For My Staple Products.

A couple of days ago I was compiling a topic list and as I was going through it , I realized that I have all these topics where I share my views and recommendations but you really don't know much about my hair and I have a natural hair blog 😳 . . .

Oh well , today I took out the time to talk about my naps and I figured that this would be important if you are wondering what my hair texture is and if our hair would react differently/similar to certain products.

The most important thing is probably texture so I have multiple textures on my head. I have only described my hair as coily and that doesn't really tell you much because some people with looser textures describe their hair as coily. So my hair is :

3c at the nape / maybe my coils are a little looser there. I have cut a couple of curls back there because I thought that it was heat damage . I'm still not sure if my coils are a  looser 4b coil or they are actually 3c. I'm on the fence about this.

4a at the back

4b dominates my whole crown area so I refer to my hair as 4b because it's prevalent.

4c is on the sides of my head .

I have low porosity hair and my hair absolutely hates protein treatments , it always makes my hair feel like steelwool and I always have to follow up with a conditioner just to give my hair its softness back. My hair reacts amazingly well to plant protein because I have used a leave in conditioner that has hydrolyzed vegetable protein and my hair just got softer and softer.

My strands are a combination of super fine , fine and medium size however most of my strands are fine.  I have medium to high density and as you probably know I have cut it into a TWA ( it's probably the 4th time now) after my terrible dye job. I have had tons of setbacks with my loose natural hair journey and this time around I REALLY want my hair to flourish. I don't want to rock a TWA till the end of time. The goal is shoulder length hair -  unstretched. I'm not in a rush to get there and I want to enjoy my hair at every stage/length untill I get to my goal.

I have stopped over manipulating my hair , the only time I touch it is on wash day and when I moisturize it .  That's a huge achievement considering that I used to have my hands in my hair all tbe time , it was ridiculous . When I finally stopped over manipulating my hair it felt like my hair was growing at a faster rate and my edges are growing back so I basically have nothing to complain about 😊 .

I am searching for my staple products . I experiment with my hair quite a lot with different products , some are good and some are really tertible,   I want to purchase products that benefit my hair needs. So I need a good shampoo , oil and deep conditioner. I have to try out other products to find hair products to cater for my hair needs.

I have already found my holygrail protein treatment and conditioner. I hope it won't be challenging finding other products ,  I already know which leave in conditioner that I'm going to try out next . I'm not really a huge fan of oils but don't get me wrong , I use oils to seal in the moisture but I don't buy a wide array of oils . I prefer buying oil combinations because I can get a variety of oils in one bottle and that enables me to save money instead of buying tons and tons of oils. I prefer using a leave in conditioner to seal in the moisture but I follow up with an oil just to get that extra layer of protection. Moisture is really imperative for me so I am always looking for new ways on how I can retain my moisture for longer .

I have had tons of setbacks in my loose natural hair journey . It hasn't been easy but I'm still going strong and I'm going to update you with a whole list of my staple products and of course it's going to be budget friendly.

Wear Your Crown With Pride 👑
Karabo xx


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