How To Stay Sane Throughout Your Natural Hair Journey

Hey kinks and coils 💜

When we decide to go back to natural hair most of us have an idea of how we want our natural hair to look like and then we quickly do the BC and regret it when we find out that our hair can't do what we wanted it to do / look a certain way.

Whether you are loc'd or loose you probably have encountered some setbacks / regrets in your journey.

3 Simple tips on how to stay sane throughout your journey.


You need to create a hair regimen that is suitable for your lifestyle. If you are following someone else's regimen because you want your hair to look like theirs . . . soooo then what happens when it doesn't look the same as theirs? . This will bring on more fustrations , trust me fam I've been there.


Accept the way your hair is because that is its natural state. You probably went natural because you wanted coils then you ended up getting curls , you probably wanted a high density and then you ended up with a low density. Stop stressing and trying to do what your hair cannot do. The sooner you accept the way your hair is , the easier your natural hair journey will be.


Our hair goals are not the same. You need to focus on making your hair as healthy as possible so that it is always growing ( if your goal is long hair ). Your best hair won't be my best hair and vice versa. Make sure you do what your hair needs and loves because it knows best.

It was difficult trying not to compare my hair with other naturals. But I had to stand my ground and remind myself that "MY hair is MY hair , then why must it look like someone else's?"

Please share some of your tips on how you stayed sane in your loose / loc'd natural hair journey and what are some of the setbacks / regrets you have encountered in your journey in the comments section.

I'd love to hear from you.

Wear That Crown With Pride
Karabo xx


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