My Favourite Essential Oils For Natural Hair

Hey kinks and coils 💜

Ever since I went natural on December 9 2011. Oils and water have been my best friends and when I detangled my locs , essential oils are my absolute favorite and I like to experiment with them. I dont have a crazy amount of oils just enough to suit my hair needs , cater to my problem areas and help me flourish out in these streets .

  • L A V E N D A R   O I L

My baby , my everything. Lavendar oil is bae. Literally.
Smells amazing and whenever I'm in a bind about this journey that I am currently on I just massage it on my wrists and pop on Solange's album take a whiff  and relax. Lavender Oil helps nourish the hair and moisturize the scalp and hair.

My shea butter mix smells like lavendar and sometimes I put a few drops of Lavendar in my castor oil to mask that awful smell castor oil has.

  • P E P P E R M I N T   O I L

I hope Peppermint oil helps bring  back my edges because they decided to take a vacation. I do have a post about it here. Peppermint oil is antiseptic and antifungal it can also be used to clarify the scalp , I sometimes add a few drops of peppermint oil in my african black soap shampoo and my scalp smells pepperminty fresh and clean. Pepermint oil is also backed up by science that it improves hair growth .

Castor Oil + peppermint oil =

  • R O S E M A R Y   O I L

Rosemary oil has a strong smell which I looove ! I love adding rosemary and lavender into my body butter to give me that flowery sweet smell.  Rosemary oil stimulates hair growth and there are some claims that it can prevent baldness , slows graying and can be used to treat dandruff and dry scalp.
Rosemary oil has become one of my top 3 favourite essential oils because of the skin benefit too , that you can read here .

  • E U C A L Y P T U S  O I L 

Not the best smelling oil out there but it stimulates the hair follicles. There were some articles I saw on the web about the skin benefits however I didn't try it for my face it seems a bit too harsh and my face wouldn't be able to take all of that and I would break out. 

  • L E M O N G R A S S  O I L

Lemon grass has amazing benefits for the scalp. I don't really like the smell of lemon grass oil , however when I purchase a conditioner / shampoo that is not a natural product , I add a few drops because Lemongrass oil has skin healing properties. As we all know hair grows from the scalp so we have to ensure that it is always healthy and clean.

Essential oils are best used mixed in with base oil or butter.  If it is directly appplied without a carrier oil , it can cause irritation.

Great carrier oils are coconut oil , avocado oil , sweet almond oil and olive oil

I bought all my essential oils at Dischem and the eucalyptus oil I found it at Game Store .

What are some of your favourite essential oils ? 
Let me know in the comments section .

I'd love to hear from you

Wear Your Crown With Pride 👑
Karabo xx


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