Hair Trends That I Am Living For

Hey kinks and coils 💜

Some trends come and go and some actually stay in our hearts' because they are hella dope.

These following trends aren't as "fresh" as they were before. And yes , I do know that I am super late , but these trends made me fall inlove with the community all over again.

Let's just get started

  • Floral Afro

What is there not to love about this? The beauty of flowers infused with natural hair. I love it. I really , really want to try this out when I am taking pictures for my profile. However that is another topic for another day. I just love this whole trend and can it please make a comeback? It really is just beautiful. 

  • Fulani Inspired Braids

2017 has been freaking awesome. Fulani braids were taking over my Instagram  , not that I am complaining , the slayayge was there and in full effect. There were different types of variations , some were rocking beads , some had cuffs and others just decided to rock it as it is. It is just a beautiful style that made us stand out.

  • Multi Colored Box Braids

 Yaaaaaas! Remember when we were bashed for wearing red lipstick because it would  look "weird" or "terrible" having a bright color on a dark skin tone so the brown/nude lipsticks were reserved for us *womp womp wooomp* but we are eliminating all that crap and rocking multi colored box braids. Whoop whoop 😊  . Melanin is beautiful AF.

  • Man Buns'

You are probably thinking "huh?" . Yeah! I think man buns are hella dope especially if they are on textured hair and you can see little coils pop up on the bun. I love how black men are also freeing up a space in their minds' and eliminating the notion that "hair is only for women" . Nah bruh. You rock that man bun ✊. 

I can't wait to see what the latest trends will be. I am just super excited about rocking my coils and kinks. 

What I like most about these trends is that we just let loose and finally played in our natural hair and stopped being so uptight about breakage and etc. 

The versatility and beauty of our kinks , coils and curls is shown and flaunted in it's full effect.

Brighten up your day and look at these cutie pathootie's flaunting their locs , kinks , curls and coils. Oooh they are super cute and I had loads of fun with that post . Check it out here .

What are some of your favourite old time natural hair trends? Share them in the comments section below 

Wear Your Crown With Pride 👑
Karabo xx


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