Update : My Health And Confidence Journey + Water Fasting ?

I go to the gym quite often now and when I get there I work my butt off. I make sure I leave the gym after doing ALL the machines I promised myself that I'd do. And I repeat the machines three times and sometimes four times , if I still have time.


It really doesn't produce any results so I figured I should stop fooling myself , so I go to the gym even if I am tired AF or whether it's boiling hot. I make sure that I go there and do whatever I promised myself to do. I love how my body burns when I'm on the treadmill , the feeling is worth a million dollars. I never thought I'd be so inlove with the gym , I spend about 4 hours at the gym and it's heaven .

Yoga is bae.

I love yoga fam. However the cobra pose has probably got to be the worst pose ever I totally dislike it but my favorite is the crescent lunge. There are still more yoga poses to do and I am so excited.

My scalp massages are going quite well. I sometimes forget doing them because I'm busy with my plans for 2018 , keeping fit and so on. But when I do remember to do my scalp massages I do them for about 10 minutes.

And I'm always tired these days so sometimes after wash day I moisturize my hair and seal in the moisture and then it shrinks into a cute little fro , thats what I do when I feel super lazy , and of course I will get knots and tangles but I'll detangle on wash day or when I moisturize mid-week. If I'm not feeling lazy then I'll do flat twists and leave them in for the whole week untill wash day.

And I saw this whole "water fasting" thing on YouTube and I think I wanna push myself and see if I can survive without eating food for 7 whole days. .  . I don't know FAM I'm kinda nervous about it. And I figured that I'm not the best person to explain it , therefore I will provide you with a link to a blog that I feel explains it much better. I'm not sure if I REALLY want to do this , I have to sleep on this though.

I'm not entirely focused on my hair anymore I think my new obsession is yoga 😍 .

This update is kinda long . However to summarize it , I'm enjoying keeping fit.

And if you also like to sweat the fat away at the gym but your scalp tends to smell funky during or after your workout then I got you with a simple post about how I prepare my natural hair for the gym. Check it out right here .


Wear Your Crown With Pride 👑
Karabo xx

How To Perform A Water Fast


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