Best Moisturizer For Low Porosity 4B/C Natural Hair

I am always stressing moisture because it is really essential and I have had dry hair before and it's a pain. It was torture touching my hair and it felt like a steel wool , it would break like crazy and it was just annoying having to deal with dry hair.

To combat my dry hair I do a spritz for my natural hair I make sure to add ingredients that will help my hair thrive so that I can stunt outchea 👌  . Water works great too but it has to be warm because if it is cold then it's just not going to work on my low porosity hair.

  • AVJ

I love AVJ. I underestimated the power of AVJ and it has worked wonders for my hair. I have been using it for a while now. But I think you will be just fine with water. As long as your moisturizer has water or a liquid base then you are good to go. I buy the Nature's Choice Aloe Vera Juice at Dischem. 
  • Water

Of course , the best moisturiser ever ! The AVJ I use is thick so I have to dilute it and make sure that it can can get through the spray nozzile. I can get away with using AVJ only but I prefer to add water into my spray bottle. 

  • Glycerine

Glycerine is one of my best buddies because it is a humectant , so it gains the moisture from the air and puts it into my hair. Whoop whoop 😊. I have to make sure that I properly dilute it though. However I don't use glycerine in the cold months.  I use vegetable glycerine by Dolly Varden you can get it at Clicks. 

I add a lot of water probably like half of the bottle will be filled with water and then my super thick AVJ. And then the other star of the show , glycerine yippee ,  then I shake it so that everything is mixed properly. 

I know I mentioned that I have low porosity and I know that I should have my water a little warm. However it becomes tiring and annoying after sometime . So the glycerine will work for me (because it's a humectant ) .

However when I do decide to warm it up I don't add warm water directly into my spritz bottle. I take a cup and pour some warm water in it and then put my spritz bottle inside the cup. I leave it in for about 5 minutes. And then the mixture will be nice and warm for my low porosity hair. I have a metal spray so I think I prefer putting it in warm water than adding the water inside. That's just me. 

I spray start from my ends and go to my roots and then I seal in the moisture with an oil or leave in conditioner .

And that is it!

I looove super simple things and this is one of them. 

I know it seems hard if you have low porosity and you label your hair as stubborn because you can't really get the moisture into your hair but don't give up on it.

However you need to do different things to figure out what works for you .

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How do you moisturize your hair? Let us know in the comments section below.

Wear Your Crown With Pride 👑
Karabo xx


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