Natural Hair Products I'd Love To Try Out + Are They Worth It Though ?

I am a minimalist and a super frugal gyal. But sometimes when I am out shopping and going through the internet I see all these products and reviews and I'm like "dang , I would love to try that out" and then I see the price tag and I die a little inside.

Here are some products that I would definitely try out if I won the lottery or had a rich uncle somewhere or if it was available in my country or if I wasn't so frugal.  It's not only natural hair products , it's a combination because I'm cool with using non - natural products. As long as it works then I'm cool with it.

Let's just started before I go on and go .

  • Shea Moisture.

Now this hair care product line is probably the most popular EVER . When I detangled my locs every naturalista on Youtube was raving about shea moisture . It was on every YouTubers' "favourite products" video. And the reviews were mental!  I was at South Gate Mall with mommy and we were at the "What's New" section and when I saw their products I was jumping up and down untill I saw the prices.

Laaaawd !

Leave in conditioner for R239.95 ?

Shampoo for R219.95 ?

Hair Masque for R239.95 ?

Uuhh No Thanks.

  • Cantu Leave In Conditioner.

Here's another one that the internet raves about. Especially their gel , the internet has created a buzz about it and I'd looove to use their shea butter leave in conditioner because shea butter is the truth.  Their leave in is very small but pricey . It's 159.95

Uuuuh . . . Will I retain the moisture for the whole month?

  • Twisted Sista Shampoo.

Patty Phattty was raving like crazy about this shampoo back then . She claimed that it's semi - natural and makes hair shiny. And on the video I noticed that her locs weren't frizzy , they looked like super soft and smooth ropes. I saw this shampoo at Clicks and yeah the prices are a bit reasonable . It's kind of pricey

  • Hello Hydrations Conditioner.

A lot of naturalistas claim that it has A LOT of slip whoop whooop so I really want to try this out to detangle my beautiful coils. I think it is available in South Africa but I am sure that the price is crazy.

  • Afro Botanics Black Pearl Hair Jelly.

I am slightly obsessed with gel these days because I love slicking down my fly aways. I thought I should try out this gel but the price turned me off. And there are tons of of other gels that are good for our hair and are at half the price. 

This is like a natural hair wishlist and I figured I should share .

Some of these prices are hella crazy and it's like these people weren't considerate of us . They do realize that they are selling their products in a developING country right? And yes I get that they have to make a profit and so on but gosh are you kidding me.

I don't mind buying a pricey product for my hair that would work amazingly well but fam there are tons of affordable products that can still get the job done.

At the end of it all , it doesn't matter how expensive or how raved the product is but if you can't use it then it's not going to work for you .  Focus on technique/ingredients rather than products.


Wear Your Crown With Pride 👑
Karabo xx


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