Let's Talk About My Naps + Searching For My Staple Products.
A couple of days ago I was compiling a topic list and as I was going through it , I realized that I have all these topics where I share my views and recommendations but you really don't know much about my hair and I have a natural hair blog 😳 . . . Oh well , today I took out the time to talk about my naps and I figured that this would be important if you are wondering what my hair texture is and if our hair would react differently/similar to certain products. The most important thing is probably texture so I have multiple textures on my head. I have only described my hair as coily and that doesn't really tell you much because some people with looser textures describe their hair as coily. So my hair is : 3c at the nape / maybe my coils are a little looser there. I have cut a couple of curls back there because I thought that it was heat damage . I'm still not sure if my coils are a looser 4b coil or they are actually 3c. I'm on the fence about this. 4a at the b...